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United Kingdom

01905 29240

Wedding Dresses and Prom Dresses in Worcester, Worcestershire accompanied by Bridesmaid and Flower Girl dresses and all Bridal accessories. 


Beautiful Bridal, Bridesmaid, Mother of the Bride and Prom dresses

Cathedral Belles of Worcester - beautiful Bridal , Bridesmaid, Mother of the Bride & Prom boutique where we are delighted to offer extensive collections as well as friendly & knowledgeable expertise to help you find your perfect dress.

Cathedral Belles of Worcester

We aim to offer every customer a pleasant & welcoming experience to choose their Bridal, Bridesmaid, Mother of the Bride or Prom dresses and we have a wealth of experience and knowledge of our collections to ensure we find the perfect dress for you.

Please browse our image portfolios and make your appointment to come in and try on in our dedicated Bridal, Bridesmaid or Prom room to ensure you have a relaxed and enjoyable experience.

Most often we will order your dress for you in your size and chosen colour but we can also sell ‘off the peg’ if that suits your timescales and budget. We also have some great sale dresses all below £500

Lorraine and Sally are here to support you and your guests through your journey.

To make an appointment, you can call us on 01905 29240 or YOU CAN use our Appointments & Contact Information page