Contact Us

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United Kingdom

01905 29240

Wedding Dresses and Prom Dresses in Worcester, Worcestershire accompanied by Bridesmaid and Flower Girl dresses and all Bridal accessories. 

Appointments & Contact Information

To contact us please fill out the adjacent form, or you can message us directly via e-mail or via Facebook messaging or you can telephone us:

Email:         Tel: 01905 29240

We operate on an appointment basis so that you have dedicated & uninterrupted time to find your perfect dress. However, if you want to pop-in for an initial browse and we are in between appointments, we would happy to see you. Or just give us a quick call beforehand and we will do our best to fit you in.

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 10am - 5pm

Wednesday: 10am - 5pm

Thursday: 10am - 5pm

Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 5pm

Sunday: Closed